วันอังคารที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Top Three Things To Look For In A Structured Settlement Annuity
If you are about to sign a structured settlement annuity agreement then it is highly important that you first look for certain clauses and payment plans. This is necessary to rule out the possibility of suffering financial damages if the policy does not have ample safety clauses. This will also remove any chances of incurring losses if you want to sell the policy.
1. Value
A structured settlement annuity has a set value that is defined at the time of settling a personal injury lawsuit. This value is sometimes set by the judge deciding the case though in most cases it is the plaintiffs who do that after negotiating with the defendants. If a case has been settled out of court then it is always the mutual agreement that sets the value of an annuity. There are two types of annuities available in this case with the first one offering payments for a couple of years and the second one offering life-time payments. If you are in the process of negotiating a deal then it is important to set a value that corresponds to your life-long expenses on medical treatment. If the annuity is spread over a couple of years then you can ask for greater annuity payments to benefit from financial stability. On average, six figure payments are considered normal in case of serious and debilitating injuries.
2. Nature of payments
A structured settlement annuity comes with varying payment plans. Some annuities are payable every quarter while others will remain dry until a year has passed since the agreement was signed. You can negotiate a deal where an annuity payment arrives in your bank account at least once every quarter. This is necessary to fund medical treatments and other expenses incurred by the prolonged effects of your injuries. Some annuity payments also offer monthly payments though it comes with higher discount rates and other charges. Quarterly payments thus remain the most popular and manageable way of receiving injury compensation. If you have signed a life-long deal then yearly payments are generally preferred by the insurance company. This is also a lucrative deal as the payments will come as long as you are alive.
3. After sale value
It is common for a structured settlement annuity to be sold by the claimant. There are many reasons cited for this trend with financial need being the most common factor. Every annuity settlement plan comes with certain clauses that dictate these sales. Most jurisdictions do not have an income tax deduction on annuity payments but discount rates and other charges need to be taken care of. It is always recommended to select an annuity plan that comes with minimal deduction and additional charges. This will enable you to sell your plan at a higher rate and receiving as high as 95% of the total value of the agreement.
If you have taken care of these aspects then you will be able to sign a structured settlement annuity deal that offers you maximum benefits while paying little in discount rates, processing fees, and other charges.
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